
Your Local Geriatric Dentists Can Answer Your Questions About Dentures


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Dentures! When most people think about them, they probably imagine complete dentures – the kind that replace all teeth on one or both sides of the mouth. These dentures are taken out at night so they can be placed into a special cleaning fluid that keeps them looking fresh.

Complete dentures can be helpful for people who experienced damage or tooth decay affecting most of their teeth. When many teeth are compromised and there are only a few healthy ones, some relatively healthy teeth might be removed so complete dentures can be used.

All in all, complete dentures are the most frequent choice. However, there are actually two other types of dentures to know about!

Which Dentures Are Right for You? Don’t Forget These Less Common Options

Complete dentures are usually sought after someone experiences severe gum disease. In the later stages of gum disease, the bone that supports the teeth can be weakened and destroyed. Even if individual teeth are undamaged, they should still be removed in favor of complete dentures.

But complete dentures are really only one part of the story.

Less known are implant-supported dentures. As the name suggests, these are supported by a special set of screw-like implants placed right in the jaw bone. The implants effectively anchor the teeth, ensuring they are held steadily in place.

This eliminates some of the common concerns associated with full dentures, since implant-supported ones cannot slip or slide. Since they remain in place within the mouth, they’ll never require adhesive and aren’t subject to being dropped or coming loose while eating. That said, it’s crucial to take care of implant-supported dentures by brushing them – just like other teeth!

Removable partial dentures (RPD) are the final kind of denture. These are great in any situation where tooth loss is confined to one area of the mouth. Partial dentures rely on strong abutment teeth to support them on either side. They can be removed at night for cleaning, but are stable and secure during the day. They are usually used to replace three or more damaged teeth.

Which Dentures are Best for You? Geriatric Dentists are the Expert to Ask

Geriatric dentists are specialists who focus on the changing dental health needs of patients as they age. At Landmark Dental Group, our practice includes a number of geriatric dentists who would be glad to consult with you about how dentures can help you.

Dentures don’t have to be an inconvenience. Today’s modern dentures provide the user with true strength, stability, and a natural-looking appearance. Dentures can be a great option, helping to prevent serious dental complications while allowing you to eat, speak, and smile as you always have. Plus, dentures are often much more affordable than patients expect.

If you’re curious about dentures, you don’t have to wait. Dental discomfort and complications can be alleviated with the right approach. Contact Landmark Dental Group today to book an appointment with one of our geriatric dentists. We look forward to helping you!

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